Sunday, September 27, 2020

Metal abstract. “ Orbs in the forest “. 21”X 20”. Metal framed


3D Metal wall hanger “Southwest”. 28”X23” (Framed in Metal).


Chainsaw carved “Bird of prey”. (SOLD)


Lions and tigers and........oh my.


Black bear chainsaw carved bench. 8ft


Chainsaw carving. Large ear of corn. Work in progress


Very large metal sculpture titled. “ Chesapeake “


Chainsaw carved eagle perched on rocks. (SOLD)


Metal happy moon wall hanger 35” outside diameter


Gigantic Chainsaw Carved Mushroom 4ft. (SOLD)


3D Metal Framed. “Stingray “. 35” X 35”


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Chainsaw Carved Lakota Chief


Oak Chainsaw Carved Owl. (SOLD)


Chainsaw carved pumpkin. ( SOLD )


Chainsaw carved bird hut. ( SOLD)


Metal Sculpture. “ Gear Head “. 16” X 16”


Chainsaw carved wood spirit. ( SOLD )


Metal Sculpture “ Calla “. ( SOLD )


3D Metal Art. “ Cold Mountain “. (SOLD)


Chainsaw Carved Black Bear. “Fonzie”. ( SOLD )


Metal Sculpture. “ Trio of tigers “. ( SOLD )


Calla Lilies Metal Sculpture. “Summer Callas”. 31”X 16”. (SOLD)